
Belgrade (via Zlatibor), Serbia – Split, Croatia

One of the most rewarding aspects of cycling on the Trans Dinarica cycle route is having the chance to combine places you’ve always wanted to go with places you had no way of knowing you would visit. This itinerary is the perfect example of seeing all sides of the Western Balkans. Start in the Serbian capital of Belgrade and then head southwest to Serbia’s ski resort town of Zlatibor (see logistics for Serbia). From there, cycle across the center of Bosnia and Herzegovina and through the historic capital of Sarajevo. After sightseeing, continue west over the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. You’ll end this epic odyssey on the Adriatic in Split, a city famous for being built within the palace of a retired Roman Emperor, Diocletian.


  • Countries: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia >>> Get Navigation Pack
  • 13 stages
  • Lenght, elevation: 603,7 km, 11.819 m
  • Return transportation: Take the Flixbus from Belgrade to Split



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This web page was produced by Good Place and is developed with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the regional Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth (EDGE) Project.
The contents are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Trans Dinarica