
About the Trans Dinarica Cycle Route

The Trans Dinarica is the first and only cycle route to connect all eight countries of the Western Balkans. The route — which links Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia — makes a priority of visiting national parks, UNESCO sites, often-overlooked villages, and diverse points of interest. In other words, the Trans Dinarica takes travelers deep into one of the most interesting and under-valued European regions, where adventure and culture are always connected.

Designed for touring cyclists of all abilities (the route is best ridden with gravel-style bicycles, which are able to handle both asphalt and forest roads with equal ease and is also great for e-bikes), the Trans Dinarica is as much a cultural corridor as it is a bicycle itinerary. This corridor provides adventurers, who tend toward authentic experiences, a method to imbibe the region at human-powered speed while discovering traditions — culinary, musical, and historical — with slow-travel intention.

The Trans Dinarica — which combines quiet asphalt roads, macadam, and forest paths — is perfect for active travelers who want to engage with new places on two wheels during the day … and enjoy local cuisine, wine, and unique heritage every night. As well, the route, which creates a main backbone bicycle trail for the entire Western Balkans region, encourages local travel operators to develop tours/ideas around this cultural corridor, thus utilizing the Trans Dinarica as a region-wide tourism engine and providing travelers with a real, responsible, and sustainable way to embrace the Western Balkans.

We look forward to seeing — and hopefully riding with — you on the Trans Dinarica Cycle Route.


Trans Dinarica Cycle Route in numbers

If you, like us, love to know all the nifty numbers and dirty details about where you are riding and are curious about the statistics that make up this incredible adventure you are about to be on, you’re in luck … we have them all for you, here and in a chart below. Some of the coolest statistics about the Trans Dinarica:

  • Total length (including the main, secondary, and connector stages): 98
  • Total distance of all stages: 5,500 kilometers
  • Total elevation gain: 96,500 meters
  • Percentage of paved surface: 80%
  • Percentage of unpaved surface: 20%
  • Number of Points of Interest (POIs) marked along the route: 2,400



General statistics

Trans Dinarica in numbers: stages in each of the countries.

  • MAIN: This is the main route, the most logical and recommended for most cyclists. It is marked with a red line on the map.
  • SCND (Secondary): In some countries, secondary routes take you to easier or more difficult roads (read the description), to see tourist attractions or are useful for easier connections. In short, a kind of plan B. They are marked with a blue line on the map.
  • CONN (Connector): We created them to make it easier to connect with larger cities in the region (to get to the airport, train or bus station). Since the Trans Dinarica leads through more remote places, you will be happy to have connector stages to start or finish the route. These are primarily practical, but less romantically perfect road connections. They are marked with a green line on the map.


Points of Interests (POIs) within our Navigation Pack – Ride with GPS Experience




Map of Trans Dinarica Main Route


Supported by

This web page was produced by Good Place and is developed with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the regional Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth (EDGE) Project.
The contents are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Trans Dinarica