
Tirana, Albania – Ohrid, North Macedonia

From the capital of one of the travel world’s most popular countries to shores of one of the region’s cultural and natural icons, this itinerary will have cyclists coming back to the Western Balkans every year. Start from Tirana, Albania, and head northwest, around the edge of Lake Shkodër and into the fabled Albian Alps, where craggy and beautiful peaks will be the backdrop. After winding through rivers and hospitable villages, the Trans Dinarica heads southeast leaving the Dinaric Alps for the foothills of the Sharr Mountains as it parallels the border with North Macedonia. The route then crosses the border and curls around the northside of Lake Ohrid, which is listed as both a natural and cultural wonder on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


  • Countries: Albania, North Macedonia >>> Get Navigation Pack
  • 10 (11) stages
  • Lenght, elevation: 533,8 km, 9.659 m (+ 1 optional stage to Valbona Valley)
  • Return transportation: Take the Flixbus (17,79e) from Ohrid to Tirana



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This web page was produced by Good Place and is developed with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the regional Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth (EDGE) Project.
The contents are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Trans Dinarica