
What time of the year should I cycle the Trans Dinarica? A few words about the weather in the Balkans.

Dear cyclists, we are glad that you are showing such interest in the new long-distance cycling route. The questions keep coming and one of the frequent topics is “Which month is the best to cycle the Trans Dinarica?” The answer will be a bit unclear, the way the weather is, but we’ll try to at least roughly indicate when you should take time for your next cycling adventure.


Three Trans Dinarica cyclists on gravel road in Durmitor, Montenegro.

If you want a short answer to ‘When to cycle the Trans Dinarica?’ (and at the same time cover the whole route), the answer would be: from May to September. But since the route stretches for 4,000 kilometers along the Balkan Peninsula, where mountains rise over 2,000 meters not far from the coast of the Adriatic Sea (with a mild Mediterranean climate), the answer is not so simple. In Montenegro, on the extraordinary mountain plateau Durmitor, we were caught by snow already at the beginning of May, the same can happen in the mountainous part of Bosnia and Herzegovina or Albania.

On the other hand, parts of the route in the south of Slovenia, through most of Croatia, in the west of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and parts of Albania and Macedonia are perfectly fine even in March or November, while we don’t imagine cycling in these places in July or August when temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius. Then it is better to tackle the mountainous, forested part of the Balkans, where you can refresh yourself in streams, rivers, and lakes.

Three cyclists on gravel bikes in Slovenia, riding the Trans Dinarica.

You also must understand that the weather is changing year after year: in Slovenia, for example, 2022 was hot and dry, and a year later we have a lot, even too much rain. Not to mention the fact that cyclists have different criteria for what is (too) cold, what is (too) hot, and how many rainy kilometers we are prepared to cover.

We advise you to look at the average temperatures of the area before your trip and then monitor the weather forecast daily. In any case, pack both – a swimsuit and a rain jacket. It’s all part of the adventure.

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